Bob Marchant
I first met Bob when he didn’t give me a job in London. I forgave him and gave him one when I was Creative Director of Leo Burnett Sydney. I knew he was a brilliant art director and photographer, but I didn’t realise he was a wonderful artist until I saw his work. Not long after that, he won a couple of Sulmans. Obviously I wasn’t the only one who admired his work. I’ve seen his work grow richer and more luminous with the bright light and rich colours of his dreams, after his hero Rousseau. He is the Gypsy married to a Viking. Together they are one formidable team. I look forward to this exhibition very much.
John Newton, Doctor of Creative Arts
What for most people are unrealistic dreams have always been realisable for Bob Marchant. In his earlier works he showed us the miraculous daily life of his childhood growing up in the Wimmera district of Victoria. Now in his latest work we see his personal dreams realised, dreams no longer but a living reality, full of light and bright rich colour, as if bandages have come off, a world full of beauty and familial love. They are paintings which express a profound gratitude for his life, his beautiful wife Inger, their children and grandchildren. It’s impossible to see them and not feel grateful, too.
Tony Brignull BA (Hons) Oxon, MA
Bob’s mother told him he was born with a pencil in his hand. His art teacher at Nhill High School told him at the age of 14 he was born to paint. His parents, acting on her advice, sent him to the best art school in Melbourne, RMIT. He graduated four years later, then travelled to Europe to gain experience.
For Bob, that period between1960- 1980, London was the place to be. Creativity exploded. There were big changes in music, films, art, theatre, literature and fashion. He became friends with many who were making the changes happen. Two of his artist friends were Whiteley and Hockney.
Marchant returned home in 1980 to live in Sydney and to paint full time. After winning a couple of Sulman prizes his art career flourished. To celebrate his 80th birthday, Marchant’s exhibition opens at:
The Australian Galleries
15 Roylston St. Paddington, Sydney
15th May- 3rd June 2018
Media: For interviews & images contact:
Bob Marchant Email:
Phone: (02) 9523 5009